
If you were to ask me “When you say God is faithful what do you mean? I would say God is reliable, on my side, always loving, comes through for me and so on. I have asked groups I was leading the same question and have gotten much the same answer.

If I ask what faithfulness is in a marriage the answer is always “They do not cheat sexually. Why does faithfulness have two different meanings in these two different situations? I think that is wrong.

I am interested in beginning a new relationship. If that happens I want to be faithful to my new partner in the same way God is faithful to me.

Too often men are are unfaithful even if they are not cheating. I think a man who over a long period of time is consistently critical, unkind, inattentive or condescending is being an unfaithful husband whether or not he is cheating sexually. The wife should consider him unfaithful as she considers her future in the relationship.

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